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New Decade

Where were you 10 years ago? That is such a heavy and powerful question that sends us down a rabbit hole of thought, most likely thoughts of what-ifs. You look back at this past decade and think “wow, what did I do with these 10 years?”. Every time the end of the year comes around we all look forward to the beginning of a new journey but usually fail to look back at the past and even when we do, a lot of us tend to forget to value it. I mean really, think about it WHERE WERE YOU 10 YEARS AGO? What kind of person were you? Who did you hang out with? What were you into? Do you even remember who you were?

See a lot of us tend to have this habit of always wanting to move forward past the hard parts, we believe that life is about the destination and not the journey but in all honesty I enjoy getting there more than arriving. Look back at your chunk of 10 years and look at all the memories you made and adventures that lay in your past, soak in all the mistakes and enjoy how your younger self probably made you cringe. If you want to become bigger than life you’ll need a whole life times worth of memories and experience. A lot of us tend to forget just how BIG our lives can get, some of you take a lot of experiences for granted and actually convince yourself that you have a pretty boring life. Actual real people I’ve met who travel once or twice a year and go to concerts every other month actually tell me that their lives are boring while there are people who have never left their hometown and think that they’re having the time of their lives!

I think it’s funny how impactful things like TV shows can have on us. I just finished watching the TV show Breaking Bad as well as the follow-up movie El-Camino and for a show about cooking meth, once I finished it all it helped me cope with my decade of life. I won’t spoil the show for those who haven’t seen it yet but to keep it simple, there are two main characters, one of them is a family man while another is a meth addict & when I present it like that you’ll obviously believe that the family man is a bit more morally sound - well you’re wrong. The family-man that many believed to be a kind person is actually an evil mastermind while the meth addict is probably the most moral person on the show. You might be confused as to why I’m bringing this up.. Well what the show made me realize is that in life we don’t become someone because we ACT like someone, we become someone because we make choices like the person we are to become.

Looking back at the decade, what choices have you made that led you to where you are and what choices are you going to make going into 2020? How you try to portray yourself does not signify your character but the choices you make help mold it. After reading this blog I hope you look back at your choices and prepare your next ones, a new decade is upon us and to be honest I use to think that it wasn’t a big deal but looking at it now I realize that a new decade signifies a whole new 10 year chapter in all of our lives. Make choices that’ll impact your future and commit to making yourself GIANT. Challenge yourself, try new things, have different perspectives, and grow yourself. Life is only as big as you make it, and let me tell you this new decade is going to be fucking humongous.

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